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Mineplex Needs to Remain Family Friendly & Staff Reform

Mineplex is heading downhill.

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Mineplex Logo from 2017 to 2023

Author By WarRobotDoge, EmilioTheNerd, Duckie Guy, & Others | June 8th, 2022

This was an letter that a few friends and acquaintances wrote back in June in protest of Mineplex changing its logo to a pride logo. The following text is unchanged, and I tried my best to format this document verbatim. I also added images for better context, I attempted to upload all images to my website for future reference. Please note, that this article may not reflect current events, and the people in this article may no longer be in the community or are no longer active. ~ WarRobotDoge 4/8/22

1. While I do not have an issue with people who are of the LGBTQ community, I believe when Mineplex is consistently saying we are a family-friendly network, Mineplex keeps that standard, as that is what kept it on such a high pedestal for so long. When I first saw that Mineplex put the flag, I initially reacted to CookieBilly about how that is not family-friendly, and to my surprise, many staff members & community members started to aggressively target me due to this belief. I was trying to stay civil in this debate, but the staff and many alike were aggressive & just telling me to leave because I was an oppressor. Dean, I hope you understand that I do not hate this group, but that kids should not be exposed to this as it is not just immoral, it goes against the Mineplex code. I will include multiple screenshots of what is to be considered inappropriate by Mineplex & generally, this also includes a discussion where people are talking about gay sex & aids!

Link: https://imgur.com/a/TT1u96C

2. I do find that while it is not as taboo for this topic as it once was, it is still inappropriate for kids to play & then have this taught to them when they just want to play Dragon Escape. Your staff members repeatedly admit that Bedrock is largely a very young audience, it is very inappropriate to talk to a 7-year-old about any topic about sex unless you are the parent of the child, adults should not be interacting like that. Adults doing this are considered groomers, pedophiles, and many more unpleasant words, I imagine if you had a child and overheard the teacher talking to them about sexual nature or about their intimate relationships, straight or gay, I am sure you would have a problem with an adult talking to a minor about sex.

3. Mineplex should be neutral and non-political no matter what. In many religions, such as Christianity, pride is a sin and is not to be discussed, let alone changing the server logo to one of the biggest political movements in history. The server should always be unbiased at all costs. Why are we forced to believe your political beliefs? We all have the right to have an opinion, we do not want or need to know it, especially for a kids' server. We do not care if you support LGTB or not, we just don't want you to shove it down OUR throats! Why is there a pride logo but no flag the Memorial Day? Those warriors got SPIT ON! They get 1 lousy day and these low-live, mentally distraught people get 2 whole months for doing nothing. A further point, if you are offended by these bad words, imagine how it would be when kids hear about gay sex!

mineplex ban

My Mineplex mute for agreeing to something.

4. In addition to the controversy, the policies supported by the LGBT+ community are considered offensive by some religions (gay marriage notably). While the hate of identities within the LGBT+ community should not be tolerated, the actions and ideologies that they support are incredibly controversial. Many believe that there are threats to undermining the traditional family lifestyle and limited understanding of sexualities in prepubescent children. Furthermore, their stances on biology and gender can easily be perceived as radical. Newly developed jargon (pertaining to pronouns and gender expression) stemming from this community is also widely debated.

5. Toki is the current RC head, she is also the SM head. Why do I bring this up? Because she is the one who is supposed to be enforcing these rules! All of the people who berated me or some form of snarky remarks did not even get told by a single staff member that debates are allowed, just be civil & not call names or be disrespectful. Toki’s admin duties are to make sure staff abide by these standards & practices, and in my formal opinion, she has not been doing her duties to the best of her abilities & without good faith. Issues like these are what caused Mineplex to fall, many felt silenced, out in the void with no semblance of staff or the higher-ups trying to make an actual difference or drastic changes to try and make the server alive again. While that is going on, staff are also still punishing dedicated community members for having an opinion they do not like, I feel if a staff member has a biased view on an argument, they should pass the case to another who does not in order to act in a neutral manner. Just like in real life, if a party in the case has a conflict of interest, they are not credible in their testimony or role in the courthouse, including the judge.

Mineplex Rules

The Mineplex rules in rudeness.

6. Dean, in the rules that Mineplex has which staff has completely dismissed during the talks that you see in the screenshots. Toki did not once tell staff to calm down during this ordeal and also engaged in it herself. These are blatant double standards that will only continue to lead to the demise of Mineplex if something is not changed fundamentally. Inappropriate Behavior, Rioting, and General Rudeness were all things that were happening and left to reign supreme with whoever had the "correct" beliefs. As of writing this right now, Toki has changed it so that the filter no longer affects LGBTQ terms, this is a completely radical change, and there is no justification for allowing kids to be exposed to sexual topics that just lead down a rabbit hole that no parent should have to explain to their child. If Toki can make such a change, with little time to do something like this, when many community reports, bug reports, and concerns go to the trash. Then for sure, Mineplex leadership has the ability to change things, yet they remain one of the most inactive staff in the face of the community. Not even the community admin interacts that much. This only shows that Toki will only change something that fits her agenda whenever she gets the smallest chance to do so, which is not the duty of her role, her role is to make sensible, common-sense rules & make sure staff act accordingly. She changes a rule like this, but yet allows block glitching in Turf Wars which is the definition of gameplay exploiting. I feel Toki is not acting in strict good standards and needs to be re-trained or replaced by another who is more aware of their own rules.

7. One of my biggest complaints about these political moves by Mineplex, which is one I can only remember ever being done; Is the total divide it has caused, threads ripping on each other, people calling other people with an opinion a racist, a homophobe, a sexist, and any other derogatory term that is generally used in these discussions. Mineplex is a primarily young audience, even always brought up by staff when mentioning the bedrock server. I agree kids should have some form of political critical thinking, and learn the history of the world, but only when it is appropriate. Each class on history touches on a topic that is appropriate for the corresponding age. Just as it would not be appropriate to teach a 7-year-old that Jews (humans) were burned by Nazis (also humans), it would be inappropriate to teach them about sex, this includes straight. Regardless of LGBTQ beliefs, there is no question this is going to be talking about in-depth sexual orientations to them, grooming behavior, and if not pedophilia. Going back to how it divides, even a staff member (Marzie) simply said that she supports LGBTQ people who are 18+, which is an extremely moderate logical view to have, but yet she got so much hate that she just deleted her message. This type of thing causes & creates a toxic environment for players & staff just trying to play games & chill. People who preach acceptance certainly did not accept Marzie & were toxic to her. The LGBTQ has a very sensitive belief, and when someone has an opinion that has the slightest criticism of their belief, they go wild on them, this also does not help the fact that there are staff members with these heavy beliefs. Please do not mistake what I am saying, I do not hate the movement, but I do dislike how it is causing so much hate, toxicity, & inappropriate topics to be discussed on Mineplex which has always preached family-friendly. I urge & beg you to take charge again, become more active, and see what is happening just by Mineplex having this pride month flag. You will see the divide, hate, toxicity, abuse of power, silent people feeling hurt to see what's going on, and just kids who are confused as to why sex is being talked about when it is a taboo subject in many cultures. I feel admins are out of touch, and out of reality in terms of business, just look at how Disney ended up, they were always family-friendly, and parents did not have to pre-screen them to make sure it was appropriate. Now what? They have lost their tax status, millions, and lost loyal customers because they wanted to be woke. Parents now hate Disney, and are taking their money elsewhere that does not involve showing drag-queen shows to minors, because adults that do that are pedophiles & groomers. Kids need to be kids, simple as that; If a kid grows up too early, they lose their innocence & lack the child development that allows them to flourish as an adult in real life. Dean, can you honestly tell me that if you saw a full-grown man in a short dress with makeup on, talking to your child sister, daughter, or just a close person in your life, about their sexual preferences, would you not go insane on this pedophile? If the answer is no, you are lying to yourself, and to your natural instinct.

8. To further the point that pushing these ideologies to children will factually make them more prone to suicide. According to statistics from PubMed: “Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth.” or Youth: “Moreover, suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth ages 15 to 24, and LGBT youth are more likely to attempt suicide than their peers.” The results of the data show that especially youth of these communities will be significantly higher than the average rates. If Mineplex continues this trend, they will aid in the long term of children being confused & potentially taking their own life. If Mineplex leadership has any morals, they should stop this from growing higher, and slow down the number of children dying because they can not mentally comprehend these LGBTQ ideas, especially if taking hormone blockers or surgeries, the suicide rate remains higher. This also increases the likelihood there are pedophiles preying on these children or grooming them into their sexual world of fantasies. Even in Mineplex own rules, it was acknowledged before it was removed ignorantly & arrogantly by Toki for absurd reasons.

Mineplex Rules2 Mineplex Rules3

The Mineplex rules being altered.

Closing Statements

We hope we have included many points that you will consider investigating because it is sad we are being pushed away from Mineplex for simply having differing views from that of staff members, admins, and vocal believers.

We want to see a change in how the staff team operates when punishing people that speak ideas that are contrary to theirs.

We want to see players able to speak their minds without fearing being banned for having a vocal opinion.

We want more transparency between staff & the community, we are blind, we are told nothing, and usually told too late.

We want victims to be able to respectfully confront bullies without fearing being punished. We want to be able to let kids play Mineplex without having to see topics about sex, you guys have admitted it multiple times over the years yourselves.

Allow the community to be able to hear what is going on behind closed doors up to a certain point, the more leadership communicates, the better the relationship.

We most importantly want balanced powers, and checks & balances, because the more power one person has, the more they can cause mayhem without having to answer to any higher-ups that are not active in the community. Staff & admins need to be accountable for their actions.

We all grew up on Mineplex, we all love it, and we still have great memories of it, good or bad Mineplex will always have a place in our hearts. Please do not let the last life of its legendary story go down like this, we want it to flourish, we want it to succeed, and most importantly to be together!

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